
Pre-Birthday Cosmetic Procedures

August 29, 2016

No, not for me - what are you trying to say?!

Operating room light | Almost Posh

Only joking. Even though it is actually my birthday in about six weeks (and if someone were to gift me free veneers I'd be delirious with joy), the face-lift in question is all about the blog.

I'd been wanting to revamp for a while and was going to wait until my 2 year blogaversary in mid-September to launch the new look but I had some unexpected time to myself on the weekend and got all carried away with it and simply couldn't wait so here it is.

Having made the move to something visual (that's not too abysmal), it has meant the front page now features auto jump cuts - that's the "read more" business rather than the full post. I know this aggrieves some people because it messes up their blog readers (with particular apologies to Snoskred) but hopefully it's not enough to put anyone right off.

There's a few things I need to tweak - like getting the Disqus comment count to show up on the home page so I don't look like Billy No-Mates and things like that. Otherwise, have a squizz (looks better on PC, obvs) and let me know what you reckon.

Usually on a Monday, I post about beauty-related matters but my scheduled guest post has not yet been submitted. My contributor needs more time to put some products to the test, or so he says. So let's talk about cosmetic procedures. I've not had anything more invasive than an eyebrow wax although as mentioned above, I would love to get my jacked-up grill fixed.

Have you had anything done? Would you?

(I'm cheekily still linking up to the Monday Makeup Madness party btw)

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