Don't Go Ghet-Toe: Keep Your Feet Sweet This Winter
April 20, 2015
Warning: This is another post about feet - podophobics, look away!
As the cooler weather sets in (at least, in this part of Australia), it’s time to start enjoying all the good bits about winter; boots, snuggly socks, warm baths and did I mention curling up in front of the heater, binge-watching Real Housewives?
Unfortunately, all this lovely warm dry air and hot water does wonders for sucking the moisture out of your skin, leaving bits of your body looking like Lake Eyre during a drought year.
Remember kids: crack is wack |
Yes, we know we should be exfoliating. I give my heels a going-over with a file and some foot scrub in the shower whenever I a) remember and b) have the time. So about once every two months.
"It's okay, nobody will see my feet for months! I'll just start an intensive care program before summer!" But what's this? An invitation to a formal event, when only the strappiest of heels will do? Girl, you in trouble.
Luckily, Scholl have been all over foot care since 1899 and can get that nasty dry skin on feet looking sweet in just three days with Eulactol Heel Balm Gold.
To illustrate, this was the state of my heels last Thursday:
Don't say I didn't warn you |
After three days of using the heel balm as directed, these are the results.
You can see the improvement in the skin texture already and there is no horrible dry scraping sound when I pull my tights on over my feet. Result!
Winter also means new footwear (yay!) Some jazzy cut-out ankle boots or a stiff pair of patent brogues, perhaps? The last thing you want is a painful blister from new-shoe rub. I have pretty poor circulation in my feet, which are essentially freezer blocks from 4.30pm on 16 April to 2.30pm on 21 November. I can stick my feet in an eski to chill the beer and any kind of blister or irritation take an absolute age to heal, relegating me to daggy well-worn shoes in the meantime. That, my friends, is not cute. So a Scholl Blister Shield plaster is where it's at; to cushion that angry skin with HydraGuard technology and keep you comfortable while still rocking your super cute kicks.
Don't neglect your toenails either! Make sure they're clipped and filed right down so you don't bust holes in your snazzy tights. Your feet will also fit more comfortably into those closed toe shoes.
You can find Eulactol Heel Balm Gold and Blister Shields at your local chemist, Priceline or supermarket. Winter is coming! Hurrah!
These products were kindly provided to me for review. All opinions are my own. See my PR and Media policy for more information.